December 2, 2016

Nativity Celebration

Our little town starts the Christmas season off with a Nativity Celebration. We had planned on going on the night that Luke was singing with the community choir but we got a call that they were trying to get a lot of people to come and support a bell choir so I packed up the boys and Luke met us there after work. Jax really liked looking at all the nativities that were set up. Ryker was pretty mad he couldn't touch anything. They also had a photo booth where you could dress like you were in Bethlehem. I could not even handle how cute our two little shepherds were! So adorable! There was also a children's room set up to look like Bethlehem with tents and palm trees. There was a little table with tools where they could be carpenters. The only way we could drag the boys away was with a cookie. There was a special spirit there and it was a nice way to start celebrating the birth of our Savior. 

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