April 27, 2016

A Three Year Old

We have a three year old! This time has gone by so fast. He has grown so much and has the best little personality. I made the mistake to ask what kind of a cake he wanted like a month before so every day he would wake up and ask for his Darth Vader cake. Luke and I decorated with a life size cutout of Darth Vader and Kylo Ren with a BB8 hanging from the ceiling. Both Jax and Ryker were pretty excited. Jax got a candle in everything he ate and he would sing happy birthday to himself all day. 
 Grandma and Grandpa Maughan and Aunt Lindsey and Uncle Brett came to help us celebrate. To say this guy loved to be the center of attention is a bit of an understatement. He was a little bit spoiled and loved every minute of it. Of course everything was Star Wars. 

 After his pirate ship cake I feel like nothing else will ever be as cool but cover it in Star Wars ships and you will have one excited little guy.

 Jax got some decorations for his new big boy room, a few light sabers and some new Darth Vader shirts.

 We ended our day with a family light saber battle.
Birthday Interview:
How old are you? Three
Favorite color: Red
Favorite animal: Cat
Favorite book: Little Golden Books Star Wars Series
Favorite TV show: PJ Masks and Sesame Street
Favorite movie: Star Wars Series
Favorite Song: The Final Countdown
Favorite food: Mac & Cheese
Favorite snack: Granola bars
Favorite outfit: Anything with Darth Vader on it
Favorite Game: Lightsaber battles
Favorite toy: Lightsaber green
Favorite thing to do outside: Jumping on the tramp
Favorite holiday: Any one where I get a present
What do you like to take to bed with you at night: "Blanket downstairs"
Favorite place to go: The park
Favorite restaurant: McDonald's

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