July 2, 2012


(Written by Luke) In preparation for the pioneer trek this summer, everyone going on the trek went on a hike to Popo Agie Falls. Courtnie and I were asked to be a "Ma" and "Pa" for one of the hand carts so we get to prepare with everyone else (pulling handcarts along the actual mormon trail in the heat of late July will be hard). Just above the main falls is a natural water slide.
I am also the assistance scout leader and last week we had Boy Scout camp which was a lot of fun. I was waiting to get these photos from my Bishop who came with us so I could write this post. He was the one taking the photos.

After going down the slide feet first the bishopric challenged me to go Superman style... Challenge accepted!

The cold water took my breath away and I almost gasped underwater.

Lots of people slid down the rock, but Baxter was the only dog brave enough to do it. He jumped right into my lap like he was excited to go down.

He smiled the whole way down, like when he hangs his head out the car window.

This is a great shot with his ears flying. He is about to change his mind about this adventure. Once we hit the water he realized how cold it was and swam like mad for the edge (which wasn't far away and there was no risk he could be swept away).

This is the river lower down. Only a part of the river flows over the slide. It is also near where we had scout camp.

At scout camp we had six boy scouts and were joined by two 11yr old scouts for one day. We worked on the cooking merit badge (among others) and had the boys plan and prepare all the meals. They needed a lot of guidance but the food turned out great.

We took a ten mile hike on which we purified water from a stream and almost had to carry the Bishop out. It was very steep and rocky, but we had a good time.

The night the Bishop was there he brought steaks, which were delicious! The plastic utensils and paper plates made it hard to cut steak, so most of us just used our hands. Good thing no girls are invited to Boy Scout camp.

Setting up and taking down tents wasn't the fun part but kept the boys occupied for a while. I'm not sure what Dillon is about to do with the mallet in this picture, but hopefully he hits stakes and not Isaac's head.

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