June 30, 2012

Recent Projects

 Luke went rafting today (no pics, but had lots of fun!) so I finished up some Pinterest projects I had been working on. I had decided my bedroom needed a little wall facelift so I saw some projects on Pinterest to try.

This first one turned out way better than I had anticipated. This idea I borrowed from bedbugs on etsy.

The frame I had for this print out was too big so I decided to make a homemade picture mat. It also turned out really cute. I am a little sad that it will be in our bedroom and Luke and I are the only ones who will see it.

This project was part of operation "add color to the living room." These are fabric wrapped styrofoam balls and repainted vase fillers that I already had. An idea I borrowed from Landee See Landee Do blog as well as my 4th of July decor.

I finally got my 4th of July decorations up. Our front entryway is now very patriotic!

The wooden plaques I bought from Landee on etsy. I have almost convinced Luke that I need a Cricut for Christmas. The wreath was super easy. Just a foam wreath wrapped with ribbon. I plan on doing one of these for Halloween and Christmas as well. The fireworks took a little more effort and a few failed attempts before they started looking right but also fairly easy.

Banner for the Olympics. Just to add a little more to the patriotism!