August 24, 2014

Planting Trees

Planting new trees = playing in the mud. (by Luke)
Jaxon really wanted to help. Sometimes he even held the shovel and helped push dirt out of the hole. Most of the time he was eating the dirt or throwing it back into the hole.
 Once we finished the hole he decided to practice his camouflage. 
 He was happy giving orders on what I should do next. He was a great supervisor.
Here is the final product:
 This tree is an Autumn Blaze Maple that should grow large to give lots of shade and turn a bright red in the fall. We will have to post more pictures later so you can appreciate the color.
Out behind our fence was an ugly strip of gravely dirt. We asked around and got permission from the school (who actually owns the land) to plan some trees.
 After a lot of hard work digging through incredibly rocky soil we got these four trees in. Two Honey Crisp apple trees on either end and two sweet cherry trees in the middle. The bigger trees farther down were planted by our neighbors after the school said we all could plant here.
I am pretty excited about the fruit trees. Cherries are my favorite and I hope we can keep the birds away from them long enough to enjoy some. Courtnie doesn't even like 
cherries :( but loves apples :) and Jaxon loves both.

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