February 17, 2014

Random Facts About Luke

Random Facts about Luke:
My favorite trail food is a Snickers bar.
I work for the US Public Health Service which is one of seven uniformed services, like the Army.
My favorite sport is soccer, but I like to play pretty much anything.
My favorite color is blue, but I've been into green lately.
Courtnie and I got scuba certified in college. I also got my private pilot license while in college.
My favorite person is Courtnie.
On Jaxon's passport application I put his occupation as "Cutest baby in the world" and they accepted it that way, so the government must agree.
I volunteer with the local Search and Rescue. We learn cool skills and use them to find/rescue people.
I once hit a girl right in the face with a Frisbee thrown as hard as I could, broke another girl's nose swing dancing, and gave Courtnie a split lip playing laser tag. I'm usually very nice though and felt bad about those things.
I play the Trombone, which I played from 6th grade into college. I recently restarted in the community band.
I'm trying to break my addiction to ice cream.
I have more hair than my older and younger brothers (its a sore spot for them).
I would like to earn another degree in college just for fun, maybe law or physics or something interesting like that.
I am fluent in Spanish after serving a 2 year mission in Chile.
I don't have an appendix but I do have my tonsils.
As a kid I wanted to be an NBA star, but the backup plan was a Doctor.
My favorite game is Call of Duty, or whatever game Courtnie will play with me.

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