February 18, 2014


Luke had President's day off to play with us. We slept in a little then decided to enjoy some of the warmer weather we have been getting and go for a hike. We bundled all up then headed up the canyon. Baxter was so excited. He would run up ahead then run back to check and make sure we were still coming then take off again. 

 We let Jax walk for a while but he was more interested in trying to eat the snow and taste the rocks so he was up on Luke's shoulders most of the time. 

 Luke was trying to teach Jax how to throw rocks off the bridge. Apparently it is a skill every boy needs to know. Again he was more interested in tasting the rocks than throwing them. It was nice to get outside and a was a great day with my boys :)


Last weekend Jax and I went to Idaho. My new uncle was getting baptized so we went to join the family. Jax always does great on the long car rides. If he does get a little fussy we just sing all the primary songs we can remember. He loves them. His favorite is Popcorn Popping. It was fun to play with family and Jax enjoys all the attention he gets from grandparents aunts and uncles. Baxter always gets to come too. He enjoys tormenting my parents dog Izzy. 
We had planned to only stay the weekend but Jax and I got the fun cold bug that has been going around and I didn't want to spend that long drive with a sick baby. My dad had to go out of town for business so we got to hang out with Grandma. She loved the extra time with Jax. I also got to watch the Olympics which was fun. Jax and I got home just in time to celebrate Valentine's Day with Luke. He welcomed me home with some beautiful roses! I have a great husband.

February 17, 2014

Random Facts About Luke

Random Facts about Luke:
My favorite trail food is a Snickers bar.
I work for the US Public Health Service which is one of seven uniformed services, like the Army.
My favorite sport is soccer, but I like to play pretty much anything.
My favorite color is blue, but I've been into green lately.
Courtnie and I got scuba certified in college. I also got my private pilot license while in college.
My favorite person is Courtnie.
On Jaxon's passport application I put his occupation as "Cutest baby in the world" and they accepted it that way, so the government must agree.
I volunteer with the local Search and Rescue. We learn cool skills and use them to find/rescue people.
I once hit a girl right in the face with a Frisbee thrown as hard as I could, broke another girl's nose swing dancing, and gave Courtnie a split lip playing laser tag. I'm usually very nice though and felt bad about those things.
I play the Trombone, which I played from 6th grade into college. I recently restarted in the community band.
I'm trying to break my addiction to ice cream.
I have more hair than my older and younger brothers (its a sore spot for them).
I would like to earn another degree in college just for fun, maybe law or physics or something interesting like that.
I am fluent in Spanish after serving a 2 year mission in Chile.
I don't have an appendix but I do have my tonsils.
As a kid I wanted to be an NBA star, but the backup plan was a Doctor.
My favorite game is Call of Duty, or whatever game Courtnie will play with me.

Random Facts About Courtnie

Some random facts about Courtnie

I make chocolate chip cookies just so I can eat the dough.
I love to read. The last book I read was Tess of the D'Ubervilles for book club.
I am highly skilled at Dr. Mario.
I love stripes and polka dots. They make me happy.
I love movie soundtracks (like Braveheart, Last of the Mohicans, Pirates of the Caribbean).
I have a fear of careening. I think this goes back to the ski trip school buses. Those drivers were crazy!
I had tubes put in my ears when I was little and had to wear ear plugs in the water. To this day I hate to get water in my ears.
I have never broken a bone but I have been x-rayed a few times for the sake of education :)
 I hate clay-mation and pretty much anything Tim Burton. It creeps me out.
 I have stubby thumbs. A girl on my softball team once asked me if they had been amputated.
My favorite colors are blue and red.
My favorite sport is tennis.
When I was young I wanted to be a sweat mopper for the Utah Jazz or a ball girl for tennis tournaments. I wanted to be right in the action!

Baby Store

In church we usually sit behind a family with six boys. They all have light blond hair and Jax thinks it is the neatest thing. They also really like Jax's hair. Their youngest, Collin, is three years old. This last Sunday the dad told us as they were driving through Jackson Hole Collin kept asking where the baby store was. They were confused and asked what baby store? Collin asked where the baby store was to get the baby Jaxons in Jackson. He was sure that was where we got our Jaxon :) So cute!