April 24, 2017


This year Jax has mastered riding a bike. We are so proud of him. He is doing awesome. Ryker is my bike buddy now that Jax can ride on his own. Weather permitting we are riding bikes pretty much all day. 

Easter 2017

We had a great Easter this year. There was the annual egg hunt with some friends from our church. Surprise it was kind of cold and windy. The kids played some games while the dads hid the eggs. There were bunny hats for the kids and all the moms took a picture in the Easter hat brought back from Ireland. Then the hunt began. Jaxon had a great time running around. Ryker was pretty sluggish. Turns out he was sick and puked on me later. Poor boy. Easter Sunday Ryker was feeling better and all my boys looked pretty dang handsome. They were good sports and let me take a family picture. After church we did our own little egg hunt in the front yard. I had found some confetti eggs and I smashed one over Jax's head. It could have gone either way but he loved it. "Its a party!" The next day Jaxon had one more party at school. There were so many treats (I got called suzy homemaker for smashing rice crispy treats into a cupcake tin. First and probably last time that will happen.) and so many eggs. Ryker got to participate as well. He thought it was pretty fun to be a big boy. 

Preschool Program

Jax has loved going to school this year. They had a big spring program and Jax was so excited on the big night. He had a special shirt that he couldn't wear until the program and he was beaming from the moment he put it on. He had to introduce himself "Hi, my name is Jaxon and when I grow up I want to play games." He had to practice that part and usually it would change daily from soccer player, and fight a lava monster. The games came as a surprise. He did an awesome job with all the songs, and playing the cymbals in the circus parade. He did pick his nose for about a minute but things went pretty well other than that. Love this big boy of ours!!

Daddy's Little Helper

Ryker loves anytime we do any kind of construction at the house. The tools come out and he is one happy boy. We are building an extra room downstairs. Luke got out his hammer and soon had a little shadow. So cute. 

Springtime in Wyoming

Springtime in Wyoming is a bit bipolar. One day it's beautiful, then next its snowed 6 inches. We take the warm weather when we get it and build snowmen on the off days. So we ride bikes, go for walks, play at the park, and throw rocks Saturday, then Sunday after a blizzard we build snowmen. Either way we're having fun!

Spring Break

For spring break we ditched Luke and headed to Idaho. Grandma got the boys their own suitcases and they were in heaven! We went on lots of walks, played at the park, went swimming at the hot springs (Jax was a daredevil once he got some water wings on and was jumping and jumping into the pool), ate ice cream and saw the falls. It was crazy windy and cold so not a warm spring break but we had fun. We also missed dad!
 Playing at the awesome park right up the street from Grandma's. We went at least two times a day. 

Jax was eating lunch outside and saw a bug and came to hide. 
 Watching Moana in spanish at Kiwi Loco