May 28, 2015

Brothers Gotta Hug!

I love watching these two interact with each other. For a while we weren't sure Ryker liked Jax very much. He would cry whenever Jax got close (a lot of loving). Now any time Jax gets close he will watch him and smile. Jax still loves to give hugs and shake hands and give lots and lots of kisses. He will read him stories, shares his blanket (which is a big deal!) and whenever Ryker cries Jax will come up to me and say "Needs bottle!" to make sure he is taken care of. I have the cutest boys :)

Darth Vader!

Jax has a new love and it is Star Wars, or as he calls it "Darth Vader!" We have a couple of books that we read to him, Star Wars ABC's, numbers and colors, so he was already a little familiar with it but he had never seen the movies until this last weekend. My family came to visit over Memorial Day weekend. Everyone was taking a nap on Saturday so I put on Star Wars just for something to watch. Jax was so into it. He grabbed his light-saber and kept saying "Darth Vader, Darth Vader." He's walked around for days singing the Darth Vader theme song and wakes up every morning asking to watch Darth Vader. Every time he sees Yoda he says "green!", Luke flying in his flight suit he says, "orange". In the counting book it says there are 2 sides of the force: light and dark. Jax says "light and Darth Vader." I wonder who his favorite character is? I love this cute Jedi of mine :)

May 18, 2015

4 Months

We have a four month old! Time seems like it is flying by with this little guy. Ryker is growing and growing. He still loves to eat and wiggle and now likes to be helped to sit or stand all day long. He loves to watch and smile at Jax. I'm happy he's finally warmed up to him. :) My Mother's Day present was rolling over for the first time. We love our little chunky monkey!

 This was just after he rolled over for the first time on Mother's Day!

May 4, 2015

Florida Part 2

Both of our families planned trips to Florida this year so once again we headed to the airport. Traveling with two is so much harder! different than with one. Luke and I were pretty exhausted by the time we got on the plane, fortunately so were the boys and everybody got a nap. When we landed in Orlando Jax got a free pair of Mickey ears from a stranger and we were good to go.
 The weather was so hot and humid and I look awesome in all the pictures but we had lots of fun. It was a different experience with kids, but Grandma and Grandpa took Jax for most of the day and let Luke and I play. The first day we spent about half the day in Universal.

I didn't even notice Stan Shunpike posing for our picture!
Diagon Alley was amazing! Before when Luke and I went to Universal they only had Hogsmede and I thought this is cool...but where's the rest of it? Diagon Alley was what I was expecting. And can I just say how much I love Luke?! He could probably care less about Harry Potter but he knows I love it and is a great sport about it all :)

 Fish and chips, bangers and mash, and butterbeer in the Leaky Cauldron. I don't even like seafood but it was delicious. I must have been starving :) Lindsey didn't like any of the British fare so she had mac and cheese. There go her dreams of living in England.

 Luke and Brett got to be movie extras for one of the rides. They were told they would be evil villians but they really just got "rocks" dropped on their heads. 

Diagon Alley was new to us and I thought it was pretty great. We got to ride the Hogwarts Express.

 Safari ride at the Animal Kingdom. Jax loved all the animals. There were two baby gorillas that were 7 and 8 months old. They were so cute! We tried to take Jax away a couple of times and he got so mad until one of the moms rushed the other right in front of where he was standing. It scared him pretty good. Then he was ready to move on. 

 Jax was loving all the aunt and uncle time. 

 When we went to the Magic Kingdom right as we walked in I saw the wait to meet Tinkerbell was only ten minutes so we jumped in line and I was so glad we did. It was the cutest thing ever. Jax loves the Tinkerbell movies and was so excited to see her. He was totally in love. 

 Our last night we watched the Main Street Electrical parade. Both Jax and Ryker were pretty enthralled. 
Our trip home was another adventure. I had the great idea to put Jax in the bath while we got all packed. As I was gathering up my bathroom stuff I commented to Luke that something smelled like poop. A couple minutes later he went to wash Jax and get him out of the tub and there was poop floating everywhere! Ew and gross. It took a while to clean up so we were cutting it close getting to the airport when we saw that our flight was delayed for a couple of hours. Luke had to work the next day so this was not awesome news. As we were driving home again I said somebody pooped. When we stopped at a gas station we put Jax on Luke's lap to change him. Bad idea! The poop ran up his back and on to Luke. It was a little funny how grossed out Luke was, not gonna lie ;) We made it home and had a week full of adventures.