October 1, 2013

It's Official!!

The moment we have been waiting for has finally arrived! Jaxon is officially/legally ours! Our papers were signed by the judge on September 18th and we received them on the 20th. It was such an exciting day for us!! Once we got the papers we immediately called and made our appointment at the temple.

 On September 28th Luke, Jax, and I were sealed together as a family for eternity in the Saint George temple. What a spectacular day! A lot of our family were able to be there with us to share in our special day. It was such a special experience. Jax, who is normally a wiggly chatty guy, was quiet and just observing everybody while we were sealed together. The Spirit was amazing. Families are forever and I love my little family so much!


Hunting season is here! Luke's dad Philip and bother Zach came to go hunting so Jax and I got to hang with the girls and the kids. Zach and Jayme came down from Alaska and we got to meet baby James. They are in the adoption process as well.

James is just a couple of weeks older than Jax. Both so different but oh so smiley and cute! James was a good sport letting Jax crawl all over him. Kelsey and Caleb were so excited to play with them pushing them around in their walkers and playing with them all day long. We got some pretty serious rain. Caleb and Kelsey had lots of playing in the puddles.

There is not a whole lot to do where we live so we went to visit the dinosaur museum (it is an hour away). Kelsey and Caleb enjoyed it at least!

The guys were up in the mountains getting rained and snowed on. Nobody brought a tarp so they got pretty soggy and packed it in a day early! I was pretty excited about that. The girls were pretty bored. Everybody was happy to have the boys back to help entertain us. We are so exciting everybody left a day early! I keep hoping someday we will live a little closer to family :)

Dirty Dash

So I kept seeing ads for different kinds of runs with obstacle courses and somehow got it into my head that it would be fun to do one. At one of the baby showers for Jax my friend Kara said she had signed up for the Dirty Dash and I should join her team. I convinced Luke and my sister Lindsey to do it with me. As I started to try and get in shape all I kept thinking was "Why?!?" One thing to know about me is I absolutely hate, hate, hate to run! It is not fun. It is torture. It is also exercise so that's good at least.

Here we are at the beginning all nice and clean :)
Our theme was Harry Potter.

Slightly muddy.

 Extremely muddy!!!
There were so many people we had to wait in line to do the obstacles so I didn't really need to worry about being in shape.

It was a lot of fun but I probably won't be signing up for any marathon or 10ks anytime soon or ever :)